Jessica Hart

Working Girl

Release Date: 1996

Just when executive Phyllida Grant thought she’d hit rock bottom she met Jake Tregowan ... Having lost her job and her fiancé all in one day, it looked as if ake’s offer was her only option. Jake knew all about career girls like Phyllida; they were selfish, arrogant and, unfortunately, extremely attractive. Phyllida exhibited all these characteristics in spades. Well, there was nothing that hard work – of the good old-fashioned cooking-and-cleaning kind – wouldn’t cure. And Jake was going to see that Phyllida got plenty of that! He also found that kissing was an effective way of keeping Phyllida quiet.

A Little Bit Extra

Well, what can I say?  This book is so full of in-jokes I’m always surprised that it did as well as it did!  I spent a week sailing in the Sir Joseph Banks Islands  with my cousin and her husband (to whom the book is dedicated) and Working Girl was the result.  Here’s a picture of Memory Cove, so you can see how beautiful it is.

It’s got a very odd cover, I think.  It gives the impression that the book is going to dark and gloomy, when in fact it’s about being out at sea, with the sun glittering on the water and the wind in your face and dolphins playing under the boat … gusty sigh!

Alternative covers: